現代義大利製琴名師系列(2)-義大利小提琴:Nicola Lazzari

Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份:Violin
Certificate - 證書: 有 - 本人
Narrate - 敘述:
Nicola Lazzari: born in Desenzano del Garda (Brescia) on 22.11.61
In 1979 he graduated from the International Violin-Making School in Cremona with the giudance of Maestro Giobatta Morassi.
Having finished school he began to gain professional experience in the workshop of Maestro Giobatta Morassi where he remained for about ten years until 1990.
He then went on to open his own workshop in via Beltrami in Cremona where he worked for six years, while maintaining contact with and comparing his work to his fellow violin-makers in the town.
He is currently working in his workshop in Casalbuttano, in the province of Cremona. He takes special inspiration for his production of violins, violas and cellos from pieces by Stradivarius, in particular violas and has made a small 1761 Landolfi model.
He has taught at the INTERNATIONAL VIOLIN-MAKING SCHOOL in Cremona, on a special course dealing with practical skills for the workshop.
PROFESSIONAL VIOLIN AND BOW-MAKERS SOCIETY. He has taken part in various international and national competitions, gaining recognition many times.
The following number among his most important achievements:
1981 - Silver medal at the 6th WIENIAWSKI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION AT POZNAN for the best varnishing and crystal cup for the youngest finalist.
1982 - Finalist in the 3rd CREMONA INTERNATIONAL TRIENNAL with a violin and a viola.
1985 - First prize in the 4th CREMONA TRIENNAL for the best viola.
1986 - Finalist with a violin at the 7th WIENIAWSKI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION AT POZNAN, obtaining the highest marks for violin-making
 Nicola Lazzari 於1961.11.22 出生在義大利Brescia,1979年,他從Cremona的國際制琴學校畢業,並進入Giobatta Morassi的工作室開始了自己的制琴生涯,在這裏,他工作了十年,積累了大量的制琴經驗。      他在Cremona工作了6年,然後於1990年開始創辦自己的制琴工作室,同時與同城的小提琴製作者保持聯絡和競爭,他從Stradivarius獲取製作小提琴、中提琴、大提琴的靈感,並做了一個小的1761 Landolfi模型,他同時在Cremona的國際制琴學校擔任制琴實際應用技能的專業老師。     作為義大利制琴協會會員,Nicola Lazzari多次參加國際制琴比賽,並獲得重要獎項。   ★★★得獎紀錄: 1981Poznan第六屆WIENIAWSKI國際制琴比賽銀牌 1985第三屆 CREMONA國際TRIENNA比賽小提琴中提琴決賽作品 1985第四屆 CREMONA中提琴比賽一等獎 1986 Poznan第七屆WIENIAWSKI國際制琴比賽獲得小提琴製作最高榮譽           作 品 特 色: