History For more than three generations Dörfler have been producing bows with superior craftsmanship and in the style of the great model »Tourte«. Daniel Dörfler, founder of the company, set himself the task of bringing the German bowconstruction to the »Tourte« level of quality.
Dörfler master bows exercise a maximum of influence to sound, purity, strength and polish of the tone. lt is only the Dörfler master bow which enables the art of playing to be put into its true Light.
The Dörfler master bow is a handmade high-quality product. The most superior and selected materials are a guarantee for a long life.
資料來源:http://www.doerfler-bows.com Dorfler官方網址
http://pic.violiner.com/violinertw/bow/dorfler_bogen 等級:一級高級弓 型號:GVab - W.E.Dorfler N0.19
為"音樂家"團隊精選的一級高級弓,由採購經理實地參訪數家德國制弓生產廠家後,所精心挑選出的優質的 Bow Maker 生產商之一!不同的學習階段愛樂使用者皆適合選用不同等級型號的德國 Dorfler 品牌琴弓,Dorfler在台灣已有數十年的銷售歷史,優異的品質、操控性絕佳的品質已在許多專業音樂家中建立深刻的印象。 優點:嚴謹的標準化製作流程、金屬螺絲選用最好的鋼材、機械結構精準耐用、依等級型號區分的木材選配、商品價格區分完善透明、多樣款式選擇、音色品質穩定。 |
作 品 特 色 :
No. 9 Selected Brasil stick, octagon, full German silver mounted, ebony frog, parisian eye, three part screw, German silver wire winding.
No. 10 Best Brasil stick, octagon, full German silver mounted, ebony frog with slide, parisian eye, three part screw with pearl eye, nickel-silver wire winding.
No. 191 W.E.Dörfler
No. 21a * W.E.Dörfler **
No. 23 * Egidius Dörfler ***
No. 26 Model "Sartory" * Egidius Dörfler ***
No. 200 * Egidius Dörfler ***
No. 300 * Egidius Dörfler ***
No. 04 Pernambuco wood stick, round, ebony frog, ebony capsule button.
No. 07 Model Bows |