Giovanni Battista Ceruti的詳細介紹 返回
Name:Giovanni Battista Ceruti
Country:Italy - Cremona
Year :1756-1817
Giovanni Battista Ceruti (1756–1817) was an influential Italian violin maker, and is considered a direct link to the grand tradition of the Cremonese master violin makers/ Luthiers of the 18th century.
Giovanni Battista Ceruti( 生於1756年,卒於1817年)是一位有重大影響力的義大利小提琴製琴師,他被認為是直接傳承了18世紀Cremona 的偉大小提琴製琴師。
Born a generation after Stradivarius and Guarnerius, with no direct link to the great tradition, violin making made an unlikely comeback in Cremona in the person of Lorenzo Storioni and his two followers, Giovanni Rota and Giovanni Battista Ceruti.
出生在Stradivaius和Guarnerius這兩位傳奇性大師之後,並且沒有師出名門,Lorenzo Storioni和他的兩個弟子,Giovanni Rota和Giovanni Battista Ceruti想要做琴其實是有點困難的 。
Along with Giovanni Rota, G.B. Ceruti was a follower of Lorenzo Storioni. He was born just outside of Cremona and did not take up violin making until about age 40. It is said that he was probably self-taught, and his change of profession may have come through his colleagues in the textile trade, Bergonzi brothers, Nicola and Carlo II nephews of Michel Angelo Bergonzi, who did make a few violins.
G.B. Ceruti和Giovanni Rota皆為Lorenzo Stirioni的弟子。Lorenzo Stirioni並非出生在Cremona而且他到了40歲之後才開始做琴。傳言說他是自學的,至於他從紡織業轉換跑到進入製琴業的一大主因是他的同事,Bergonzi兄弟(Nicola和Carlo II),他們是Michel Angelo Bergonzi的外甥。
Ceruti’s work is cleaner than Storioni’s, and more prolific than Rota’s. Philip Kass states that Ceruti was sponsored by a nobleman, to the displeasure of the famous dealer and collector Count Cozio, who was promoting other makers, including Giovanni Battista Guadagnini and Giacomo Rivolta of Milan. Ceruti’s son Giuseppe and grandson Enrico carried on as the premier violin makers of Cremona until Enrico’s death in 1883. Ceruti Dynasty carried on the tradition from the times of Storioni.
Greuti的作品比起Storioni還要來得簡潔,比起Rota,他也是一位相當多產的製琴師。Philip Kass指出Geruti曾經被貴族贊助,但是也因是造成名藏家Count Cozio的不悅,他曾資助Giovanni Battista、Guadagnini、Giacomo Rivolt等人。Ceruti的兒子Giuseppe和孫子Enrico一脈下來一直都是Cremona有名的製琴師,一直到了1883年Enrico去世為止。Ceruti這家人的名望可以說是從他老師Storioni一脈相承下來。