Larsen Aagaard的詳細介紹 返回

  Born at Copenhagen, 1847. Commenced violin-making under the guidance of Heinrich Hertz, 1866. Emigrated to America, 1876. Returned to Copenhagen 1883, and, with artistic impulse, gradually attained a conspicuous reputation. Died 1912.


  Model shows an acceptable adherence to the Italian. Early instruments rather unsuccessful in the varnishing; but later, as the slow accumulation of experience asserted itself, more satisfactory results were obtained. Workmanship may be accounted neat. Rather a penetrating quality of tone though not strong.


        出生於1847年,丹麥首都-哥本哈根。1866年在Heinrich Hertz的指導之下開始了小提琴的製作。1876年移民到美國。1883又搬回哥本哈根,然而在他努力推動藝術之下,也逐漸嶄露頭角。死於1912年。

