Alberni Guido的詳細介紹 返回
Guido is a graduate from the "A.Stradivari" violin making school in Cremona. He studied under the guidance of Maestro Negronni and GioBatta Morassi, both renown Cremonese makers. For a while he worked for Maestro Nolli. He participated in numerous competitions and won the gold medal at the Bagnacavallo Violin Competition.
Alberni Guido出生於1960年,於1969年時與他的家人一起搬遷到了克里蒙納,一開始有興趣的是古典吉他。師事著名製琴師Negronni和GioBatta Morassi並於1987年畢業於"A.Stradivari"小提琴製琴學校。之後曾為製琴大師Nolli工作過一陣子。目前在克里蒙納,創造個人獨特的模板,也參加了許多的展覽和比賽,並且在Bagnacavallo小提琴製琴比賽中得到了金牌。