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Auciello Luigi. 1881-1971
Lavoro dal 1935 a Milano. Lavoro accurate, bella vernice; buona sonorita. Presento nel 1937 a Cremona alla Mostra concorso del Bicentenario stradivariano un quartetto.
Working since 1935 in Milan. Accurate work, good paint, good sound. Lodge in 1937 in Cremona exhibition contest of the Stradivari Bicentenary a quartet.
Born at Molfetta (Italy),1881 and worked at Milan, 1935. He made special investigations in the upper and lower apertures of the sound-holes to arrive at tonal perfection - all details of workmanship and varnish completely splendid. Each instrument carries the name of a violin virtuoso or a famed musician.
Auciello Luigi1881年出生在義大利的Moldetta。於1935年的時候開始在米蘭工作。他為了要達到聲音的最優化,對於旋鈕孔的位置做了詳細的研究。他作品每個細節的作工與漆料都十分的出色。所做的每把樂器都冠上了小提琴名古董收藏家或是名演奏家的名字。