Barbieri Armando 1893~1963
Contrabbassista, ha suonato a lungo in orchestre. Iniziata l’attivita liutaria giovanissimo da autodidatta e appassionatosi, si dedico completamente allo studio, alla visita dei musei e di liutai importanti. La sua abilita di scultore
He is a contrabassist who has performed extensively in orchestras. Started this activity young and passionately, is completely dedicated to the study, in order to do so, he visited museums and important violin makers. His skills as a sculptor of wood was a great help and allow obtaining good results. His bench, his gear and medals obtained in competitions (5 gold) are exposed in a room dedicated to him in the Pinacoteca di Forli. He was author of a treatise on violin making luitai dedicated to young people. Good violin making, nice choice of wood.
Barbieri Armando是一位低音大提琴家,曾在管絃樂團裡廣泛的表演過。他開始製琴始於一種自發性的熱情,他也完全的將自己投入在這項工作裡。為了要追求技術的精進,他到了許多博物館去參觀,也去拜訪了許多的製琴師。另外,身為一個木頭雕刻家,使他在製琴上有著顯著的成果。他的工作台上擺放的製琴工具是他從不同的比賽中贏得的(五面金牌)。同時他也是位作者,曾撰寫過教導年輕人如何製琴的書。就製琴而言,他的選材眼光獨到,作工也相當精美。