Made in - 產地:Italy -
Year - 年份:Viola-
Certificate - 證書:
Narrate - 敘述:
Born in Genoa in 1963, after graduating High School he is admitted in 1982 to the International Violinmaking School of Parma, where he studies under the direction of Renato Scrollavezza, taking the degree in 1986. In that period he attends Sesto Rocchi's laboratory; later he continues his apprenticeship in the workshop of Joe Curtin and Gregg Alf. Riccrad Socrari estabilished in Genoa in 1989. Since 1995 colaborates to the preservation of the 'Cannone', the famous violin of Guarneri del Gesù owned by Niccolò Paganini, property of the City of Genoa. In 2003 together with Willian Dario and Merlini Gilan, he attend the violin of Paganini's refurbishment also called the ‘Historical Recover’ The goal of this work was the removing of the recent interventions made on the Cannone in order to recreate the historical image of the violin as it was left by Paganini (see Strad October 2004). A studier and researcher of the italian violinmaking, Riccrad Socrari has scored a number of articles, essays and books.
Lectures ● May 1999 - Beijing (People's Republic of China) - National Chinese history museum - Making techniques of violinmaking in Genoa |
生于1963年意大利热那亚,高中毕业之后,在1982年进入帕玛制琴学校就读,并在制琴大师Renato Scrollavezza指导之下于1986年毕业。就学期间他在Sesto Rocchi、Joe Curtin以及Gregg Alf工作室学习。之后在1989年开设自己的个人工作室。
2003年他与Willian Dario以及Merlini Gilan一起参与名琴”加农炮”的修复,也可称做”还原历史”。
做为意大利提琴制作的学者以及研究专家Riccrad Socrari也撰写了许多学术论文以及书籍。
作 品 特 色: