Gerd Knaust belongs to the most required master violin
makers in western Europe. Due to his deep knowledge and
understanding of the works of the old Italian masters, his manual
skill, his experience, his sensitivity and intuition in working out sound components,
he almost predestined for the reproduction of famous old instruments. He developed
his own celli from original samples of legendary masters, ( for instance Antonius
Stradivari, Matteo Goffriller, Domenico Montagnana ). His violins, mostly inspired from
old Italian models are demanded all over the world. The highlight of the year 1999
was a copy of the "Tullaye" by Stradivarius, which excited a deep interest in the
professional world.
That is why exchange with the musicians who are playing my instruments
is so important for me. A close contact with them allows me to benefit
from their daily experience with the instruments and thus to progress
continuously. They show me, to what extent I can be satisfied with my
work, but also where there is something to be improved or where I
should attempt more. And even if it is only a matter of details or
nuances, it is worth working on it. Because only the result counts
and not the time you invest."
Here is a list of the most important stages in his career: