義大利大提琴:Tonarelli Daniele, 2007 ★★的詳細介紹 返回

Made in - 產地:Italy - Cremona
Year - 年份:Cello-2007
Certificate - 證書: 有 - 本人
Narrate - 敘述:


Daniele Tonarelli was born in Cremona in 1976. He graduated at the International School of Violin Making in Cremona 1994. His instruments consistently rank highly in violin-making competitions. His workshop is in Cremona. His instruments are made following the classic Cremonese models. He usually uses a brilliant and transparent varnish. Andrea Verazzani works in the workshop under the supervision of Tonarelli. The certificate of authenticity is signed and stamped by Tonarelli. The violin shown here is available for $8,500.00 which is unbelievable value for money and a great investment. It has a singularly sweet yet powerful tone.


Daniele Tonarelli 於1976年出生於Cremona,1994年畢業於Cremona國際製琴學校,師從 - Giorgio Scolari,1997年他在Marco Nolli 的工作室裡工作學習,以提高自身的制琴技術和款式的設計。

至今Tonarelli 獲得的獎項有:
-2000年Cremona"Antonio Stradivari"國際比賽




作 品   特 色: